Moral and logical developments for identities: Senses of human rights, global issues, and career passes
Identity theory has been advanced for defining who we are in understanding all aspects with interpretations of our minds (Burke & Stets, 2009; Ryle, 1949). We have to think about what to do step by step without making terrible mistakes in difficult situations we face; however, we can successfully change our behavior if the ability of organisms satisfies the pragmatic conditions on how we act (Austin, 1962). Certainly, moral education has mainly played a pivotal role in the realization of identity; however, logical developments in thinking have hardly been engaged in debate. This presentation develops a way to understand the possibility of mental developments that James (1980), Piaget (1962), Vygotsky (1986), and Levinson (2000) have established. Piaget discerned the elements of developments of minds, providing an illuminating discussion that “the child learns to imitate, and this learning process, like any other, raises all the problems involved in sensory-motor and mental development” (1962, p. 5). In addition, Vygotsky (1986, p. 96-97) put forward the idea on ways of learning, giving an explanation filling a gap between two concepts of contrasts as “variations” and “abstraction” as the same thing as mental functions other psychologists defined. Furthermore, Levinson (2000, p. 166) highlighted that “generalized conversational implicatures seem to play a role in the assignment of truth-conditional content.” The aim of the presentation is to share a procedure for teaching and a lesson plan to grow the self in education; therefore, the study is focused on the hypothesis that thinking can be developed.