Kristie Collins
Reitaku University
Kristie Collins is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Foreign Studies at Reitaku University, in Kashiwa, Japan. Kristie teaches courses in Gender Studies, Canadian Studies, and English as a Foreign Language, and has been teaching at universities across England, Finland, Turkey, and Japan for over twenty years. Among her varied publications are The Marginalized Majority: Media Representation and Lived Experiences of Single Women (Bern: Peter Lang, 2013) and the chapter, “Waiting with bated breath: My journey to securing tenure” in Foreign Female English Teachers in Japanese Higher Education: Narratives From Our Quarter, edited by Diane Hawley Nagatomo, Katheen A. Brown, and Melodie Cook (Candlin & Mynard, 2020).

Local and Global Perspectives on Gender
This is the Forum for GALE (Gender Awareness in Language Education) SIG, featuring the following speakers: Kristie Collins,Talking Gender in the Multilingual/Multicultural/Multidisciplinary Classroom; Winifred Lewis Shiraishi, Professional development for non-tenured instructors: Issues and challenges; Gerry Yokota and Quenby Hoffman Aoki, How to Make GALE More Intersectional: A Dialogue