Sessions / Zoom 12
Help Desk #1525
Fri, May 14, 19:30-20:45 JST
Zoom 12
Please drop in if you have any questions about the conference.

Friday Night PanSIG Kick Off Social #1374
Fri, May 14, 20:45-22:45 JST
Zoom 12
All you can eat and drink social.
Opening Ceremony #1613
Sat, May 15, 08:45-09:00 JST
Zoom 12
Please come and join us for a quick word on today's conference and a general welcome to the event.
Don't click here #1524
Sun, May 16, 06:00-Sun, May 16, 08:30 JST
Zoom 12
This will open a zoom room. Feel free to check your zoom settings!
Main Lobby #1611
Sun, May 16, 08:30-15:15 JST
Zoom 12
Join here to meet our sponsors, SIG representatives, the conference team and other people attending the conference.
Check the breakout rooms.