Sessions /
VR for Tourism Education: From Mobile to WebVR
Previous research shows that VR and immersive learning can be beneficial to learners. However, with the outbreak of the pandemic and the shift to remote learning, there are many difficulties in implementing mobile VR in online classes. Given the perceived need for quality remote learning, desktop VR can be an alternative which can enhance interaction among teachers and students in spite of physical distance. This presentation is a follow-up to our previous presentation at PanSIG2020, where we talked about the use of free VR apps in combination with mobile devices and mini-glasses for tourism education. The same study has been replicated with another group of students this year using a Desktop VR and has evolved into a project called My Hometown Project. We conducted a survey to collect data of the students’ evaluation of the desktop VR tool in our learning context. We will compare and contrast the findings from the two years of the study and provide tips to educators interested in incorporating VR into online education.
Presentation Assets
My Hometown Project