Sessions /
Student Reflections of Online Presentations
There were many benefits to gain from the recent shift to online classes, such as the opportunity for both students and teachers to improve their technological skills. However, classroom interactions were being transferred onto an unfamiliar online platform using new applications. This session will focus on the challenges encountered by students doing presentations in online classes. Although a very familiar activity to students in a traditional classroom setting, the transfer of this activity to an online environment created a whole new dimension to the common presentation. The detailed feedback provided by the students was gathered from opportunity samples of post-activity feedback and will be presented here. The students’ personal reflections revealed not only how they could improve their own presentations, but also referred to how other students could help improve the online classroom environment. Following these student revelations some practical solutions will be given and discussed on how presentations could be conducted more successfully in online classes. These student insights into the many challenges of doing presentations in online classes allowed for fresh improvements and greater student self-actualization that can have positive implications whether online or in the classroom.