Cheryl DiCello
Sugiyama Jogakuen University
Cheryl DiCello started out with a Bachelor in English Writing at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, completed her MA in Second Language Studies with a specialization in language teaching at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Global Communication Studies at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies while teaching full-time at Sugiyama Jogakuen University in Japan. Her current research focuses on ways to better define and prepare worker versus volunteer roles of support such as Japanese language classes and community centers, medical interpreters, earthquake and other disaster preparation and evacuation, and those who make information related to easier societal integration of foreign residents and those who are challenging a language barrier in Japan.
Accessing Local Communities, Services & Information
In 2018, Japan had its largest foreign resident population increase ever after 7 years of continuous increasing numbers (Ministry of Justice Immigration Bureau, March 2019). With the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the need for fast, accurate information for daily life became more transparent. This also greatly influences foreign resident language teachers in Japan. An online survey via snowball sampling was conducted from September 2020 through SNS and acquaintances who were mainly English teachers in Japan to participate in and reach out to others to request them to fill out the survey since of all foreign residents those with English ability would mostly likely have the greatest support and access to services available. 39 (mainly language teachers) responded. Survey questions were based on: (1) What kind of and where can public information be easily accessed? (2) Where do respondents want to find this information? (3) How easily can they join Japanese language classes and how was the quality? Respondents indicated that the most useful information they gained was through people they trusted to know about Japan (24), expat websites (17), and SNS (13) while they preferred that it be made available on local municipality websites (26).
Nishizawa et al. (2010)では、英語運用試験のスコアや英語の運用能力に、顕著な向上が見られるには、授業時間外も継続的に英文読書を続ける必要があることが示されている。そのためには、学生が英文読書に対して肯定的な印象を受ける必要がある。本研究は、令和2年度秋学期に大学1年生対象の共通科目の英語の授業(2クラス39名)で実施された。研究参加者はEichhorst and Shearon (2013)で提案された方法をベースに、60分の英語多読学習を14週に渡って行い、毎週の読書量が評価の対象となった。本発表では多読授業の実践とその運用方法について報告を行う。さらに、15週目に実施したアンケートの結果を分析し、多読が学生の読書に対する態度にどのような影響を与えるのかを考察する。