Adiene Roque
Universidad de Tsukuba
Currently I teach Spanish in several Japanese universities and I support Spanish teaching projects at the community level in which resources such as art, music, games and different experiences are used to promote learning. In recent years I have researched the subject of teaching Spanish as a foreign language in Japan and recently, I am interested in exploring the possibilities of the Storytelling method in teaching foreign languages in the online format. Actualmente enseño Español en varias Universidades japonesas y apoyo proyectos de enseñanza de español a nivel comunitario en los cuales se emplean recursos como el arte, la música, los juegos y distintas vivencias para promover el aprendizaje. En los últimos años he investigado sobre el tema de la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera en Japón y recientemente, estoy interesada en explorar las posibilidades del método Storytelling en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en el formato online.

Story Telling in A1-A2 Across Languages and Cultures
The presentations in this forum will not only demonstrate how storytelling is handled in different languages and cultures but also how the same topic is taught (differently) in German, Spanish, and Thai language. ‘What to do about or where to put the elderly’ is the original and common theme which has been developed into storytelling. This topic is pressing in every culture but at the same time tackled quite differently. The difference is reflected in the respective languages and it will become apparent through the linguistic and intercultural aspects presented.