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The Duolingo English Test: Successes and Struggles
The Duolingo English Test (D.E.T.) is an online, on-demand English proficiency test. This test measures the language ability of test-takers across the four skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking, in a blended manner, where all skills are assessed in a single test. This test is typically much shorter than other proficiency tests and it can be done in the examinees’ own homes using their own computers. The adaptive nature of this test means it adjusts its questions based on the preceding (correct or incorrect) answers enabling it to measure competency rapidly and accurately.
Given the current Coronavirus pandemic, taking language proficiency examinations at test-centers is often not a viable option. Therefore, the D.E.T. may appear to be an affordable, convenient alternative to more traditional tests. However, despite its apparent advantages, it is not without its complications, so it should not be considered a panacea to the deficiencies of conventional testing.
This presentation will introduce teacher and student experiences of the D.E.T. based on information gleaned from questionnaires and interviews. It will elucidate the advantages and disadvantages of the test and also propose best practice guidelines for others wishing to employ this test in their own contexts.
Presentation Assets
Poster - The Duolingo English Test: Successes and Struggles
Download PDF: Poster - The Duolingo English Test: Successes and Struggles
The Duolingo English Test: Poster Intro. Video
This is a short (13 min.) introduction video to accompany our poster presentation, entitled The Duolingo English Test: Successes & Struggles. If you have the time, please watch it before joining our Zoom presentation, then come to ask us some questions, or talk to us about any related points. Thanks! Sian & Jay.